Casino royal- James bond shoots and kills an unknown man and then it goes into a title sequence with cartoon animations that dip in and out of reality.
SAW IV- Two people seem to be trapped. One of them move and realise that they have triggered something like a timer. A spot light is used on the women in a single shot then later use on the man. They are greeted by a puppet on a TV screen and it tells them they must cut things off their body to survive and whoever weights the most will survive.
Hanna- The start of the movie tells us who made the movie and who its presented by. It starts with a natural lighting on an icy scene. There are swans and other wild creatures. Its very silent with a little girl sat behind some trees looking at the deer. She shoots it with an arrow and its runs. She follows it onto the ice and it collapses and she says "I just missed your heart" then shoots it in the head with a gun.
The Dark Knight- Warner brothers title shows on the screen with a black dark background. A dark fog then turns into a birds eye view of Gotham city. It then goes straight into the ending of a bank robbery. Where a man who works at the bank who has been shot speaks to the robbers and makes the top robber angry. He then takes his mask off and he is reviled as the joker. Then he plants a smoke bomb in the bank mans mouth and leaves him to die.
Gardens of the galaxy vol 2- It starts with them finishing off a mission and they all argue about petty things like why they have to have music when they work. Then the music starts and groots starts dancing whist you can see the others fighting the beast in the background. This makes the scene quite comical. The music then stops as it gets serious and they finish the beast off.
The sixth sense- Opening credits start the movie off and company logos also appear. Then tense music starts behind the words and the actors names show up. This happens for about 3 minuets and then a couple is shown.
Stranger things Which sites can audiences use to consume and respond? Stranger things is only available legally on Netflix as it is a Netflix original series. You can watch it on illegal pirate sites or download it off of them. But its better to watch it legally obviously. Most people from fandoms eat can respond to episodes on social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram. Although twitter seems to be the most popular place for people to comment about the series. This is probably because people can follow different fan accounts or follow the hashtag trend. People are able to write reviews or see reviews of the series on sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and You are able to find out extra information on wikipedia and add your own input to it. What products can audiences consume these sites? They can watch trailers on Youtube or see adds or promotions of it on places like Facebook, twitter or Instagram. You can see information on wikipedia. How can audiences ...
Media narrative theories. Enigma code: A question that is not immediately answered and thus draws an audience into a text. For example a body is discovered at the beginning of a tv detective drama. The killer's identity is an enigma. We watch to find out who the killer is. (All about the mystery). Binary Opposites: The contrast between two mutually exclusive concepts or things that creates conflict and drives a narrative e.g. good/evil, day/night, male/female, presence/absence, old/young. Equilibrium Theory: A state of equilibrium. When everything is as it should be in a state of equal balance between powers of any kind, where equality of importance or effect exists among the various parts of any complex unity. A disruption of that order by an event. (Disequilibrium). A recognition that the disorder has occurred. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium at the end of the narrative.
Casino Royale This opening sequence to the famous well know James bond movie casino royale follows the enigma code narrative. The way I know this is because at the start within the first few seconds an unknown man gets shot and killed by supposedly James bond which we know by using our foreknowledge about the previous movies. It follows the mystery path as we have no idea why James killed the man and we have no idea who the man is. This reels in the audience to keep watching to find out the story line and what happens in the movie and why the mysterious man was killed. Saw IV This opening sequence is defiantly the enigma code narrative but also a bit of the binary opposites. It shows the enigma code because there is a strange puppet character who we do not know. We also do not know how the people got there and we don’t know why they are there. This causes suspension and mystery within the movie. This makes the audience watch on because of the graphic nature and intensity...
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