LFD and Constucting Audinces

Stranger things

Demographic wise they have defiantly aimed it at the unemployed and students. As it looks like one of those series that you binge watch to. The only people that have the time for this is the unemployed. You can tell this by the amount of action within the short trailer. Physcographic wise is how people view this and the directors obviously wanted to show a lot of action and intended to scare/worry the audience so that it would hopefully draw them in. You can see this by the scenes they put in where children look scared and in-trouble. So at the same time its sort of emotionally blackmailing the audience to watch the series to make sure that in their minds the children are safe.

The killing (forbrydelsen)
Demographic wise they have aimed this at intelligent people due to the police officers/ detectives and statistics. It shows that there has been a murder and there in an on going investigation. Which suggest that there is criminal activity involved in this series. This is for people who earn a large amount of money that sit in the (A) band on the demographic scale. Phychographics you can see that people are getting hurt or are in danger this makes people worry and get interested in what is going on in the town/village. This makes people watch it to see what happens to the characters and how the plays out. 


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