Media narrative theories.

Media narrative theories.

Enigma code: A question that is not immediately answered and thus draws an audience into a text. For example a body is discovered at the beginning of a tv detective drama. The killer's identity is an enigma. We watch to find out who the killer is. (All about the mystery).

Binary Opposites: The contrast between two mutually exclusive concepts or things that creates conflict and drives a narrative e.g. good/evil, day/night, male/female, presence/absence, old/young.

Equilibrium Theory: A state of equilibrium. When everything is as it should be in a state of equal balance between powers of any kind, where equality of importance or effect exists among the various parts of any complex unity. A disruption of that order by an event. (Disequilibrium). A recognition that the disorder has occurred. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium at the end of the narrative.

Image result for equilibrium theory media definition


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