
Showing posts from October, 2017

How do the BBC decide what dramas to show on each channel?

BBC ONE- They try to aim for a perverse selection of shows and dramas for everyone on abc one.  They choose dramas that have multiple parts to it. The audience that is most likely to watch BBC one is older people. But they are showing other shows to reach a younger  audience. Mid week shows are critical and serous that goes to a loyal audience. Saturday night is prime time TV where they show Doctor who and other shows that go towards family and a younger audience with a hint for the older audience. They want to show edgier things to go for a younger audience. They like to challenge people and themselves.  BBC TWO- This is a mainstream channel. The audiences are older because they have edgy angled perspective of the world. they want to appeal to the older audience who are smarter as it is an older demographic.  BBC THREE- Its online. This make it more specified to people who are teens because they tend to be online more then the older generation. BBC ONE  and TWO you can watch live

Opening sequences

Casino royal- James bond shoots and kills an unknown man and then it goes into a title sequence with cartoon animations that dip in and out of reality. SAW IV- Two people seem to be trapped. One of them move and realise that they have triggered something like a timer. A spot light is used on the women in a single shot then later use on the man. They are greeted by a puppet on a TV screen and it tells them they must cut things off their body to survive and whoever weights the most will survive. Hanna- The start of the movie tells us who made the movie and who its presented by. It starts with a natural lighting on an icy scene. There are swans and other wild creatures. Its very silent with a little girl sat behind some trees looking at the deer. She shoots it with an arrow and its runs. She follows it onto the ice and it collapses and she says "I just missed your heart" then shoots it in the head with a gun. The Dark Knight- Warner brothers title shows on

Story boarding review

WWW- I have the general concept of the story line and the different types of shots and views. It also shows a clear story with a few extras. EBI- It would be a lot better if I had added some anitations or some extra comments for each scene to explain things such as lighting and props. Also i could have made the shots more clearer.

Target audince


LFD and Audience Participation

Stranger things  Which sites can audiences use to consume and respond? Stranger things is only available legally on Netflix as it is a Netflix original series. You can watch it on illegal pirate sites or download it off of them. But its better to watch it legally obviously. Most people from fandoms eat can respond to episodes on social networking sites like Facebook and Instagram. Although twitter seems to be the most popular place for people to comment about the series. This is probably because people can follow different fan accounts or follow the hashtag trend. People are able to write reviews or see reviews of the series on sites like IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes and You are able to find out extra information on wikipedia and add your own input to it. What products can audiences consume these sites? They can watch trailers on Youtube or see adds or promotions of it on places like Facebook, twitter or Instagram. You can see information on wikipedia. How can audiences resp

Opening Sequences and Narrative Theories

Casino Royale This opening sequence to the famous well know James bond movie casino royale follows the enigma code narrative. The way I know this is because at the start within the first few seconds an unknown man gets shot and killed by supposedly James bond which we know by using our foreknowledge about the previous movies. It follows the mystery path as we have no idea why James killed the man and we have no idea who the man is. This reels in the audience to keep watching to find out the story line and what happens in the movie and why the mysterious man was killed. Saw IV This opening sequence is defiantly the enigma code narrative but also a bit of the binary opposites. It shows the enigma code because there is a strange puppet character who we do not know. We also do not know how the people got there and we don’t know why they are there. This causes suspension and mystery within the movie. This makes the audience watch on because of the graphic nature and intensity

Media narrative theories.

Media narrative theories. Enigma code: A question that is not immediately answered and thus draws an audience into a text. For example a body is discovered at the beginning of a tv detective drama. The killer's identity is an enigma. We watch to find out who the killer is. (All about the mystery). Binary Opposites: The contrast between two mutually exclusive concepts or things that creates conflict and drives a narrative e.g. good/evil, day/night, male/female, presence/absence, old/young. Equilibrium Theory: A state of equilibrium. When everything is as it should be in a state of equal balance between powers of any kind, where equality of importance or effect exists among the various parts of any complex unity. A disruption of that order by an event. (Disequilibrium). A recognition that the disorder has occurred. An attempt to repair the damage of the disruption. A return or restoration of a NEW equilibrium at the end of the narrative.

LFD and Constucting Audinces

Stranger things Demographic wise they have defiantly aimed it at the unemployed and students. As it looks like one of those series that you binge watch to. The only people that have the time for this is the unemployed. You can tell this by the amount of action within the short trailer. Physcographic wise is how people view this and the directors obviously wanted to show a lot of action and intended to scare/worry the audience so that it would hopefully draw them in. You can see this by the scenes they put in where children look scared and in-trouble. So at the same time its sort of emotionally blackmailing the audience to watch the series to make sure that in their minds the children are safe. The killing (forbrydelsen) Demographic wise they have aimed this at intelligent people due to the police officers/ detectives and statistics. It shows that there has been a murder and there in an on going investigation. Which suggest that there is criminal activity involved in this se

Audience profile

stranger things  Age- 15+ (mostly just teens) (not young children due to language and graphic nature of the show) Gender- female Ethnicity- white (english) Demographics- Mainly aimed at the unemployed so the lower band because of the childish aspect to it and mainly teens watch it which means students watch it. Psychographics- reformers and explorers. this because in the show the kids want individualism in finding their friend but they cat have it. But that doesn't mean they don't crave the individualism. Its a very energetic show so its made for explorers and they show has many unexpected turns that explorers want.  The killing Age-16+ mostly adults or young adults. Due to graphic nature and murder within the series. Gender-female Ethnicity-white (danish/English) Demographics- Aimed at the high management band. This is because the series looks like a intelligent sort of series so people who are high end workers will probably have the IQ to understand the